History of RECAP

So what was RECAP – Rossett Environmental Community Action Programme. The objectives of RECAP are outlined below in a copy of their constitution. (Note that Agenda 21 has now vanished from the Wrexham Gov website).

RECAP consisted of a dedicated group of local residents who wanted to promote and protect the sustainability of the village.

Rossett Online was the web site set up by RECAP when little other local information was available. It operated from 2001 to 2018. It is still online today but is no longer being maintained.

The Rossett Village website was set up by the Rossett Focus Group to carry on the good work of its predecessor and to inform residents past and present of any new initiatives.

village sign

Probably the most visible contribution RECAP made to the village are the “Welcome to Rossett” signs on the Chester Road (B5445) which were erected in March 2005. The Village Map at the car park in Station Road was also designed at the same time.

This booklet was produced by Rossett Environmental Community Action Plan (RECAP). Several hundred copies of the booklet were printed for sale, with profits directed to village improvement initiatives. 

The booklet can still be downloaded. However, it does appear to have some out of date content now. There are also some printing errors.

Photo’s from launch

RECAP were responsible for the proliferation of daffodils we now see in and around the village.


RECAP Constitution


Agenda 21

Rossett’s activities in this area are part of a larger Wrexham Agenda 21 initiative. Broadly this covers projects to help improve the quality of life in the area. RECAP is made up of local volunteers and is open for anyone to attend and contribute to its monthly meetings

Our Constitution

1) Objects

Promote sustainable development issues locally, e.g.
a) environmental sustainability
b) transport
c) the conservation of the natural and built environment

Work in partnership with Wrexham County Borough Council and Rossett Community Council for the advancement of the local community.

2) Membership

Membership of the group shall be open to anybody living within the community of Rossett committed to the furthering of the above objectives.

The group shall reserve the right to co-opt other members at any given time.

3) Management

The group shall operate at all times in accordance with this constitution.

The management of the group shall be by resolution of a general meeting of members and decisions of the committee constituted and elected in accordance with Clauses 4 and 5.

4) Annual General Meeting

There shall be an annual general meeting of the group in May of each year to hear a report on the activities and finances of the group, elect officers and committee members and appoint an independent examiner of the groups accounts who shall not be a member of the committee formed in Clause 5.

5) Committee

The committee shall consist of a chairperson, secretary, treasurer and any such other members as the annual or other general meeting may determine. Officers will be elected for a period of twelve months.

6) Finance

The treasurer shall take charge of all funds of the group and shall make payments therefrom against an approved budget or when specifically authorised by the committee or a general meeting

The treasurer may retain sufficient cash to provide for the day to day running of the group and shall lodge funds surplus to this in a bank account duly authorised by the group.

Disbursement of the funds from the bank account shall be decided by the committee, all cheques shall bear the signature of at least two officers of the group.

A financial statement for each year shall be prepared by the treasurer and after independent examination, presented to the annual general meeting.

The group’s financial year shall be from April 1 st to March 31 st of each year.

No member of the group, except where acting in the ordinary course of business, shall receive any remuneration for services rendered to the group, but members may be reimbursed all reasonable expenses incurred on behalf of the group.

7) Alterations to the Constitution

Any proposal to alter this constitution will require the approval of two thirds of those present and voting at a general meeting that has been notified or advertised in a public space (e.g. communal notice board) and in a local newspaper or circulating in the area, at least 21 days in advance.

8) Dissolution

The group may be dissolved at any time by resolution passed by two thirds of those present and voting at a general meeting convened for that purpose. (28 days)

Upon the dissolution of the group the assets of the group shall be realised and any surplus funds of the group, after liabilities have been met, shall donate to British Trust for Conservation Volunteers for the furtherance of the objectives for which the group was originally constituted.