List of Blog Articles

Trevalyn Place Flood Map

Trevalyn Place – Rossett 2024

This is the background story and timeline behind the whole Rossett Village Objection to Trevalyn ...
Flooding in Rossett 22 Oct 2023

Flooding in 2023 – WG & NRW Still NO ACTION

The Welsh Government and Network Resources Wales are being criticized for neglecting flooding issues, particularly ...

CGH Drainage Plan Rejected

Rossett homes development held up by drainage plan - Article courtesy of dated 6th Sept ...

Uncharted Planning Territory

We are all in uncharted Planning Territory since the WCBC Members voted down adoption of ...

15 Months in Court!

After 15 months in court and with the failure of RFG Members to convince the ...

Petition to Stop Unsafe Footway

Wrexham Council are planning to create an unsafe footway on the Holt Road (B5102) for ...
The Big Flood - Page 1

The Big Flood

The Big Flood of November 2000As seen through the lens of the Leader Photographers The ...
South Field

NRW Confirm Rossett Site Flood Risks

NRW Confirm Site Flood Risks to 132 New Houses in RossettAfter 4 years of battling ...


Urgent Crowdfunding Help needed to halt damage to Historic Rossett Village from major housing development ...

Rossett Village Meeting – 17 Feb 2022

County Councillor Hugh Jones introduced the gathering about what has been going on and how ...
Rossett Flood Map

Missing Flood Map Detail

Introduction In this article we ask the question "What has happened to the detail that ...

Castle Green Development Failures & Flaws of FCA

Introduction This objection to the proposed Flood Consequence Assessment (FCA) builds upon the previous objections ...

Failures of Wrexham CBC Highways Dept.

Background To This Article Background: Many documents have been provided to the WCBC Highways Officer ...

Failures of Betts Hydro Flood Assessment

Background To This Article The Rossett Focus Group and local residents have continuing concerns regarding ...
Flood Risk

Objection Document on Behalf of Rossett Focus Group

Objection to Reserved Matters Planning Application P/2021/0110 & P/2021/0111 ...
Photos of the dangerous section of the road

Defective Pedestrian Footway

Local Council Planners and Housing Developer Conspire to Build Defective Pedestrian Footway in Rossett Despite ...
Flooding at Alyn Drive

Flooding Evidence at the 2002 UDP Enquiry

On 16 July 2002 the Environment Agency Wales (Now Natural Resources Wales) gave evidence at ...
Flood Risk

Flooding Evidence Submission to WCBC

1.0 Introduction This is just one of a series of objection reports prepared by the ...
Rossett Electoral Boundary

Boundary Commission Decision

We now have an update from the Boundary Commission on the proposals to remove Burton ...
Flooding in 2000

Highway Safety & Flooding Updates

There have been a number of developments relating to the Bellis Planning Consent. The RFG ...
Remembrance Day Poppies at The Tower of London in 2014

Remembrance Day

The Remembrance Day symbolism of the poppy started with a poem written by a Canadian ...
Front Cover of a National Registration Identity Card

Rossett in 1911

Following our recent post about Remembrance Day and Rossett War Memorial, it seems a good ...

Rossett Steps Up Development Protests

Rossett Says NO to Development on Bellis FieldsNOT WANTED and NOT NEEDED Read More Development ...
Image showing restrictive pedestrian access on Holt Road.

Highway Safety Concerns

Dangerous Footway Proposals It appears to be common practice by Wrexham Planners to ignore or ...
Wellbeing of Future Generations Logo

Request for Investigation by Well-being Commissioner

Introduction The ongoing assault on the Well-being of the Community is giving rise to Rossett ...
Map showing boundary changes between Rossett ward and the adjacent new ward of Llay/Burton

Boundary Commission Suspends Consultation

An update from the Chief Executive of the Boundary Commission in relation to the Wrexham ...
Planning lies from the Welsh Government

Brush-Off by Wales Planning Inspectorate

Well we have the final brush-off by the Welsh Planning Inspectorate (PINS). It appears that ...
Front Cover of a National Registration Identity Card

Rossett in 1939

Following our recent post about the 75th anniversary of VE Day and Rossett War Memorial, ...

Welsh First Ministers Response to Rossett Community

Introduction In a previous post we set out our complaints to the relevant Welsh authorities ...
Proposed site in foreground

Rossett Complaint against Planning Inspector and Welsh Minister of Housing and Local Government

The Community of Rossett has been angered by the recent decision by the Welsh Minister ...
Map of Rossett Green Area

Nuisances in Rossett Green

25 August 1866 - Nuisances were a different matter back in this era. Rossett Green ...
War Memorial

VE Day – 75th Anniversary

End of WW2 in Europe The 8th May this year marks the 75th anniversary of ...
Location Map of St Peters Well

St Peter’s Well

Is it now time for this medieval Holy Well associated with the lost St Peter's ...
Alyn Pub 3 March 2020

Flood Risks & Household Insurance in Rossett

RFG members have been following up on Item 2 from the meeting held on 8th ...
North Field 2016

Judicial Review Update

Land North and South of Holt Road, Rossett Following the advice (Counsels Opinion) of a ...
Map of station road area

Boundary Changes – Village Meeting

A well attended Community Council meeting took place at the Village Hall to discuss the ...
RFG Icon

RFG Meeting – 8 March

A smaller gathering than usual of RFG members met last night to consider our responses ...
village sign

Welcome To Rossett Village

Welcome to the launch of the new community website for the Rossett Focus Group. The ...