Castle Green Homes Development in Rossett

On Monday 2nd Dec 2024 CGH had two items scheduled for the WCBC Planning Committee approval (items 4h and 4i) which were pulled from the agenda at the last moment at the start of the Committee Meeting!!

These two applications have been challenged all along by RFG and others as to their validity to be decided by WCBC, as any changes to the access locations under current Wales Planning Law can only be revoked or modified by the Welsh Government.

Any approvals given to a developer without complying with Planning Law are ultra vires.

Both planning applications were noted as being recommended as Granted/Approval by the Planning Officers (see resource documents).

CGH Planning Applications P/2024/1074 and P/2024/1291 were an attempt to overcome the problems that they have created for themselves by developing fields where they do not have all the required access approvals, effectively creating land-locking to both the north and south sites. In addition, CGH want to reshuffle the layout of house types so that more affordable houses are located on the Trevalyn Way boundary than hitherto. This relocation of affordable houses into a greater concentration is contrary to both WCBC Special Planning Guidance and WG 2008 Guidance on the delivering of affordable houses.

It will be recalled that RFG made a full Planning Revocation Application request to WCBC back in February 2024, having fully notified CGH and the WCBC Asset Holders affected, but the Planning Officer advised that he had no powers to action the revocation and refused to advise the WCBC Planning Committee on the topic. 

In July RFG managed to place the Revocation request before the Welsh Planning Directorate for consideration and decision. WG Planning Directorate requested WCBC Planning to respond to an information request by the end of October 2024 but we understand that no response to that request has been made. We will let everyone know when the revocation decision is announced.

Since the revocation request CGH have submitted yet another Planning Application P/2024/1410 to create a vehicular access into Harwoods Lane. As usual RFG have submitted a detailed objection to that Application. We are encouraged that WCBC Flood Officer and NRW (Natural Resources Wales) have opposed the approval to another entry into the Zone 2 undefended flood plain on Harwoods Lane.

One of the implications that CGH now face if they manage to build out the development on this flood plain is that all flood safety evacuation measures must be effectively displayed and safety evacuation procedures agreed with the new purchasers prior to occupation.

RFG will continue to object to this inappropriate development on a flood plain where the main access road is patently unsafe and incapable of improvement to meet the statutory standard road requirements; and where the pedestrian access links on the western boundary remain outside the control of the developers and undeliverable. RFG are continuing to monitor the rising ground water levels and water run offs adjacent to both sites especially in the Darland View and Trevalyn Hall View areas.

Link to Planning Committee Agenda showing all agenda items including 4h and 4i

Link to the Webcast Planning Committee meeting